Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I'm Gonna Do IT Again

So I did it, today I just bought another ticket to go Hang with the New Kids On the Block on April 16th in Fresno, CA. So I figured the only way to truly contain my excitement is to write about the first time Holly and I met THEM! This is a long story, and I warn you that for the next few minutes I will be transformed into a 16 year old school girl. You must put that aside and remember to visualise the responsible, mature person I really am.....Ha Ha!
So the night before on October 9th Holly and I went to Sacramento, Arco Arena, to see the New Kids in concert. The concert dates were released at separate times. SO we ended up going to both, but we would have anyway. This should be a little foreshadowing for you...there will be more concerts...many I hope.
Sacramento was awesome, but we just had average seats, and we screamed and screamed. I had goose bumps when then came on stage the first time. The amazing thing to me is that they are in 3D. I am so used to seeing them on TV and on the posters that lined my walls as a teenager. When I saw them in the flesh, it was sort of odd that they were real. Which may be the reason Holly said that same exact thing to Donnie when she met him, and he told her "oh, we are real baby"--or something to that effect! Then he grabbed her butt....gotta love it!
Okay so back to the Day of- after the Sac concert I could not sleep. Knowing that we would be meeting them the next day. I was so praying that their buses made the safe trip from Sac to San Jose, and that we would make the safe trip also. We left the house at about 2pm. I was having stress about what to wear, and I had bought a new blouse and wasn't sure if it was too tight. I tried to loose 10 lbs that day, but it didn't quite work. Of course, later I realized I was the only one who was worried about my top being too tight, everyone else was working to get their tops tighter.
We listened to our New Kids the entire way down and the 2 hour trip went quite well. We were to be at the arena at 4:30pm. We brought our sharpies, and I brought the jacket I won off the radio 18 years prior, in hopes that they would autograph it. Holly and I stood in line outside with many other groupies. The line kept getting longer and longer. We were really hoping that no other fans would come, but it turned out that about 200 were there, probably thinking the same thing. We ended up meeting some really nice girls. By the time I got over that they were my competition *irrational thought #1* and realized we had something major in common, we had a great time talking.
So Holly and I get to the front of the line, we show our ID, we get a cool VIP lanyard and a wrist band. We got our concert tickets and two drink tickets. We walk through a few corridors, past the souvenir table, where I could of picked up a hoodie for $50, and into the VIP room. We walk past the first table where an older black man is sitting, by older I would say 50? I wish I knew at the time he was THEIR bodyguard and when he said hi to the two of us, we should of right then and there started our friendship with Robo *Irrational thought #2*, but we did not know who he was, and missed an opportunity. We continued on, found our table, and picked up our goodie bags. In the bags there was a lap blanket, mug, souvenir picture holder and some post cards.
There was food, popcorn chicken, veggies, chips, popcorn, and I don't know, I was too worried about my breath. So we ate, and Holly went and got us drinks with one of our two drink coupons. The line was long, so she used both her coupons and I only one. We introduced ourselves to our new fast friends at our table. There were two sisters, one was married, about 33, and she liked Joe, and one was single, about 28, and she was more of a support to her sister. There were three friends that had re-connected for this event. One of the three was a dentist and pregnant, all three were about 35-39 and married. They started drinking (not the prego one) immediately upon receiving their drink tickets, and continued on through....well I don't could of been days for all I know? Then there was a married couple at our table. I think of the 200 people there I only spotted 2 men, aside from our fab 5 and Robo. It was fun to get a chance to pick the brain of a man that would want to wittiness his wife swoon over another man. A man that she has built into someone that could never truly exist. (foreshadowing again?!). She was a cutie, and had a mother that helped her follow her dream when she was a teenager. She had met Donnie when she was about 14, after her and her mother sat outside a stage door all night. A security guard took pity and let them in. She even had a picture with him, that she brought to give to Donnie. Her mother had passed away, and knowing that this was important to his wife he was her support. I couldn't help to think that he was there to keep her in line, although later I find out that he really was just there to support her.
After meeting our table gals, there was the quick visual run through of the rest of the tables, scoping out the really cute girls aka. competition *irrational thought #3*, and wishing they hadn't arrived. There was one chick that looked just like Joe's wife, but cuter. I was just hoping she wasn't in my group. ***Psychologist observation entered here--because he then wouldn't want me***
I realized that I was so lucky to have Holly. We have the same obsession and feelings toward this whole experience. It is truly unique to have found this in a friend after we have been close for 6 years. Over the years we had mentioned our extreme fanhood that we had established with other friends back in the late 80's but now we get to do it all over again-together. Both she and I are still fans, where as our high school fan friends are not as--should we say--serious. So it is a perfect fit.
So back to the event. We were all given a letter group. Each group had 10 girls (people). We were letter L. So that meant we were the 12th group to go into see the guys. There was a curtain set up and behind the curtain was the great and powerful Oz, I mean Joe, Jon, Jordan, Donnie, and Danny. Before we were to take our place in line we were told by Robo that we were not to ask for autographs and no personal pictures. We had to check our cameras at the door. So we were bummed. Not really about the autographs, more about the pictures. I was hoping for a personal picture with the guys. I have a empty 20'x12' frame that needs a photo!
The talk went on and on and was somewhat ridiculous. I felt like an 8th grader and that I would be kicked out of school if I tried anything sneaky. So I was obedient, and followed the rules.
In line I sized up the chicks that were with us, and just went over in my head the line that I had rehearsed. I started to feel sick, but held it together. Then it was our turn. So we walk in. I went straight for Joe. As I walked the 10 or so steps toward him, what was my first thought? To this day, this bothers me. My first thought was, "hey, he kinda looks like my brother (Brent)." How totally lame is that? 20 years of wanting to meet him, and thinking it would be so cool, and then realizing for a moment, that I could of pretended Brent was Joe, gave him a hug and saved a lot of money and years obsessing. Well, quickly that thought left my head, when I snapped back into reality (haha) and realized that it isn't my brother, it is JOE. There was a girl in front of me and she was hugging him while I waited behind her and he had nothing else to do but look at me. He had a blank stare but it was a STARE and it was like for at least 20 seconds, which in fan obsession time is more like 5 minutes. He does have amazing blue eyes, and I could feel my huge smile and really that was the best moment of the entire trip. ***Okay I am going into another reality here, so hold on*** But it was so great knowing that for that 20 seconds of his life, he was looking at me and I at him. I was channeling all my Fan love and he was thinking, oh I am so lucky that this fabulous person has come to visit me. Okay really he was thinking Cha-Ching. But I can dream. After I got over thinking---ooooo he's looking at me, he's looking at me, I then thought, oh crap he's looking at me. You see, about three weeks before the concert my fake tooth chipped, but not all of it came off. All of it is off now, and it doesn't look great-because I am back to my normal teeth, but it doesn't look as bad as it did at that time when some of the fake tooth was left and I looked like I had a piece of spinach between my teeth. I was really hoping that wasn't what he was thinking. That whole description sounds very trailer park, but go with it.
Okay, so it was my turn, I give him a hug. He gave a lame hug, I have to admit. It was like HE had just had a C-section and you wouldn't want to squeeze too hard. But I gave him an honest squeeze, as if we were old friends. Now, up to this point you may not think I am married, but I am, and very happily. I also have four beautiful children. SOooo, this is when those realities popped in my head and I did not kiss or jump Joe. Not to mention this may not of been an appropriate behavior for even a single woman...oh yeah he is married too. So I looked him in the eye and delivered the line that I had practiced with many of my friends, all who thought it was well thought out, and original. Well Joe may of been high for all I know, but he was not so impressed. Here it goes. "Joe, I just want you to know that I have been using your name as my Internet password for 15 years". He raised his eyebrows and said-Oh! I believe that "Oh"-meant-"Oh you're crazy, get a life", but I could be wrong. Then being the witty on the fly kinda gal like I am, I said (unrehearsed) "I guess I need to change it now". Jordan and Joe chuckled politely. As if they even know my name, or user name, or care *irrational thought #4*. So then I thought, "Wow, this is going fast, I had better hug all the guys, I mean I love Joe and think we could totally be best friends, but I want to say I met them all, so I had best go and hug them all". So I did. Jon, who people say is gay, and he could be, but he had the best hug by far, and maybe that is because he has nothing to be worried about considering he likes guys. But really I think it is just because he is the nicest of the group. I also think he is the least into himself, and is more along for the ride. I actually ended up hugging him twice. I'm not sure how that happened, but it is okay. I hugged Jordan, he gave the same C-section wound hug, although it could also be called the "I have a wife and kids at home" hug.
Donnie was next and I have to admit he scared me a little, only because so many women were kissing him. And although I am not against kisses, I prefer they come only from my husband at this point, and I am not thinkin' I want to kiss someone who has kissed that many people. I liked that he was taller. I am 5'7" and I am pretty sure Jordan and Joe are 5'10". Donnie and Jon felt more like 5'11" and boy that inch made a difference. I think when you meet your idols, you would like them to be bigger than life. Not average. So I hugged Donnie, smiled and then went to Danny. Who I am sure my look said it all--my look said. "You're not that cute, but you're one of the 5 and I need to say I hugged them all". I am sad that is what I was thinking, but it is true. So then I tried to linger as long as possible in the line up. I acted as though I was waiting for Holly, and Robo told me she could make it out on her own, but I pretended I couldn't hear him. Of course that would of meant I was deaf because he was standing in front of me, but I pretended none the less. So then Holly accidentally crashed into Jordan, and I was proud of her for making a little scene. It wasn't until we sat down at our table that she told me of her interaction with Donnie, as mentioned earlier in the story. By the way, if you are still reading this, congratulations, it is long I know. I was surprised that she talked with Donnie it wasn't as we had rehearsed, but the rehearsed lines didn't go so well anyway. She told Jordan he should sing one of his songs to her, because her last name is the same name as the song. He just shook his head with that "sure what ever will move you along" smile.
So I neglected to add the part about the group picture. So for our hard earned money, instead of individual pictures, we were given a group picture. The pictures were taken by the group running the 5 star event, then posted on the internet for our taking. The individual who took our picture must of bought the camera at Costco the day before and was still reading the owners manual on the way to the concert. Not only did we have 10 seconds to get in our spot, but there were spots in the picture and the photos were not of the quality for my Christmas cards.
I hung out near Joe until the pictures were done, because I was bound and determined to get my photo with Joe, I just figured I could crop everyone else out. Well, just before we said cheese, a girl hadn't found a spot, and she chose it right in front of Joe and I. It is hard to tell in the picture, but I still have my arm around Joe's back and he has his arm on my back. However, this skinny little thing is in my way. When I got home and saw the picture, I didn't even realize that Jon was standing right beside me. I felt a little guilty for complaining when I ended up having 2 New Kids beside me. Poor Holly, ended up in the shuffle with Danny...not the cute one. Not to mention she is 3 feet taller than him. Oh well, it is all good.
So we are back at the tables, we did it, we met them.....we have achieved a life long goal. Wow, are we different people. Yeah, not really. I just kept thinking 2 Minutes divided by $375, Humm. Yep that is how much this extravaganza cost. But, because you now know that I have just paid to do this all over again, you know I think it was worth it.
So we are as giddy as giddy can be. We then all share our stories at the table. It seems that Donnie does have a little class after all. The married girl, with her husband, at our table wanted a kiss from Donnie and, Donnie refused since her husband was there, even though her husband was okay with it. The girl was bummed and as much as she seemed glad her husband was with her to begin with, she seemed ready to toss him to the wolves at that point to get her kiss with Donnie. I felt bad for her, and her husband was just like, well, they all seemed like nice enough guys. He wasn't macho about it at all, pretty confident that he was going home with his beautiful wife, and they weren't.
So then the groups continued to line up to see the guys. Holly and I now want to be in the last group. We think that might be the best spot? But as they were done, I went to go use my last drink coupon and get a Pepsi. As I stood there I realized that I could see through the curtain and the guys were all alone. Oh, I was jazzed. I saw Jordan picking his nose, and then I saw the guys go to a table and look at the gifts that people had brought for them. They spent 50 seconds doing this, so I made a mental note not to bring them anything. Not that I had planed on it anyway. Oh man, part of the rules were that we were to remain in our seats, I felt like such a rebel. But I continued to look like I was in line, and then as the Pepsi was poured, I of course had to stand there and wait till the foam had died down. I couldn't risk the chance of spilling my drink on the way back to my table ;), so I had to stand and watch some more. This was a great part. Because they could not see that I was watching and they were messing around, just the five of them. You, know joking and jabbing each other. So then it was time for them to leave. I saw them quickly gather, discuss a little something and then grab a megaphone. Lets see, I am not sure on the order, but they all came out and said a little something. I was literally 2 feet in front of each one of them as they said their goodbyes. When Jon came out he said he just got his first 40th birthday card. His birthday was still a month and a half away. There was silence after he said this. It was like the entire room was paralyzed in aw. So I said, oh it's going to happen to us all. And he smiled at me, and said it was too soon. Oh my goodness, I had a real life conversation with one of them. It was a moment that I couldn't wait to share with my table. So I rushed back, and scolded Holly for not breaking the rules and joining me, and then we delighted in the special moment I was able to share with the guys.
After they left, we went to find our seats. I was really hoping for front row, but ended up in the second. Our three friends at our table were front and center, I so wished I was them, but I couldn't be ungrateful for where I was. The concert itself was amazing. Being that close was great and something I would hate to ever give up. There was a great advantage to going to the Sacramento concert first. There is a point in the concert when the guys go back stage and then show up again at the back of the arena on a false stage. We saw this happen in Sac and made a mental note to run back to the back when the cue came up. I am so glad we did this. The other girls in our row were not so excited that we were walking over them, but they were texting through most of the show anyway. During the Sac show we just screamed, and screamed, and jumped up and down. When you are in the front and the guys can see you, you must act a little more dignified, surprisingly. During both concerts I felt like they just didn't look at me enough.*irrational thought #5*. I mean for crying out loud, there is only 15,000 women there, why not me? So tell me, I am thinking I need to bring a flashlight and shine it up on my face so they can see me, to sing directly to me of course *irrational thought #6*, or I could write something on my face, or have a sign. The signs did get a lot of attention. SO did the two hoochies in front of Holly and I. They were talking to Robo for most of the show, I m sure just trying to work their way backstage. I was just jealous. Although there was one point that I got a little revenge. We were all against the front of the stage, dancing and singing. We really weren't supposed to be there, we were supposed to be at our seats, but who cares. We didn't move until the ushers told us to. These girls saw that we were close to the middle and they wanted to be there. SO they came over to me and started to push me, and they pushed hard. I stood my ground and pretended I couldn't feel it. Finally, I would of been flat on the floor if I hadn't moved, so I did, and they ended up in front of me. We were almost touching we were so close. The music was still playing, so I took the opportunity for the New Kids to feel my love and also to practice my rape scream. As LOUD as I could right into the backs of these girls heads. Yeah, they didn't stay there long. It was funny.
Lady Ga Ga and Natasha Benningfield were the opening acts for the New Kids and it was fun to be so close to see Lady Ga Ga's cellulite, and Natasha's glitter eye shadow. But the best ever was the 100 minutes that the New Kids performed for us. That being Holly and I. Oh, and Jon waved to Holly when he was on stage. Or so she claims. *irrational thought #7* Just kidding, I don't know, she could be right?
After the concert, Holly and I went by the buses. Us and 300 other girls, so we continued on. We drove around, depressed, we went to Denny's, depressed, we ate and ate, depressed. We were so bummed that we weren't asked to come backstage and play boardgames with the guys? We are convinced that we would be great friends to have. We could hang, and talk about our families, and the good ol' times. Can't you see it? So we are going to try it one more time. This time, we are going to Fresno. This time I hope for things to be better, but if they aren't I am still okay with it. The front row seats were worth the money alone.
We have stratagies for getting backstage all worked out, but really it is just going to come down to luck, and confidence. We shall see?
The most unexpected emotion that I had was more love and appriciation for my husband, family, and true friends. The entire time you are just hoping that they will pick me out of the thousands, get to know your inner beauty and appriciate your charm and sense of humor. When in reality it is all what you look like and it has nothing to do with who you are as a person. I am so glad my huband loves me for who I am, and that my friends appricitae me for who I am too. It is a crazy experience, and being an uber-fan sort of makes you crazy anyway. Stay tunned for more of this fun.
In closing I do have to say that as a mother of four young kids, it did take me all day to type this. I had to wipe butts, pick up from school, feed and love. I also got two calls from the elementry school. One because the neighbor girl wet her pants and I was her emergency back up and two becuase my 11 year old colided heads with another boy during football. Just a day in the life!
Posted by Andrea at 10:23 AM 3 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Get Ready to UnZip
Okay, all you high rollers out there who bought those fancy sleep number beds...get ready for this.
Run upstairs and unzip your mattress pad off and take a look at the air chambers. Does yours look like this?
I opened my bed today, and this is what I found. Yikes. I called Select Comfort Customer Service Team at their toll-free number 1-800-472-7185. They were very nice, and they are sending new chambers, and a foam pad that goes on top.
I have a Sleep Number 5000 series. I have had it for about 6 years.
I can't help but wonder how many years have been taken off my life by sleeping on this night after night
When I called Sleep Number they said it is under warranty and they have since added a chemical to stop the mold process. Great...chemicals....what is worse? Man it has been a moldy week.
Posted by Andrea at 2:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Not off to a good start....2009
So I went to the Stake Dance last night to ring in the New Year with 250 of my favorite teenagers. So fun. I slept in this morning, and Rick even made me breakfast in bed. What a man! So far so good.
I decided that I should be taking down the Christmas decorations, so instead....this is what I always do....the instead, I cleaned the upstairs from top to bottom. I cleaned all the bathrooms, painted the touch up spots on the walls, and sealed the counter tops. Soooo good, right!
Well I was bleaching my teeth, and then needed to brush them because I was done. Took the toothbrush that was laying on the counter, thinking I had just used it, before I started bleaching my teeth, okay, you are figuring things out right about now. Yes, I totally brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that I had just used to scrub the window sill grout with bleach. I just stood there for a moment paralyzed, then I spit, spit, spit, then mouthwash, then I brushed with the right brush, then I ate something, drank something, and now I am just so grossed out. What do I do? Do I just wait....and see....? What is going to grow in my mouth? Oh, I feel like my tonsils are getting swollen, and red. Help. Those who know me, know that with every swallow, I am freaking out more and more. I can only say that at least I don't scrub the toilet with a toothbrush. I would be passed out on my bathroom floor if this was the case. However, I still would think twice before sharing a muffin with me. I'm not even sure Rick will ever kiss me again? Oh, the insanity this is causing....
Posted by Andrea at 10:56 PM 3 comments
Labels: New Years
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Don't you wonder what would happen if we treated our Book of Mormon like we treat our Cell Phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we spent an hour or more using it every day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the "text"?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
Oh, and a few more things-Unlike our cell phones, one Plan fits all.
Unlimited usage.
No roaming charges.
You always have reception.
No weak signals AND we don't ever have to worry about our Book of Mormon being disconnected, because our Savior already paid the bill!
-Author Unknown
Posted by Andrea at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: book of mormon, Cell phones
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I Finally meet the New Kids On The Block
I shouldn't of been surprised, I put the glow sticks in my hair to get attention--just not from the other zillion fans there. Our tickets were not the best, but not the worst. All I kept thinking about was the next night. We would be up front and center, and we will have met them. All I could think was, please don't let the world end tonight, cause I would be so bummed.
The concert itself was wonderful. We three screamed the entire time. I got goose bumps when they came out for the first time. And, oh yeah, Lady Ga Ga was there and so was Natasha Beningfield. But who cares the 5 guys were so great. After the concert we went the buses. We were going to wait it out. But it was cold and Jen is pregnant so we spent too long looking for our car. That special free spot was hard to find after 2 hours of bliss, and we hadn't drank a thing.
We read blogs later and two of the guys came out and signed autographs. We regretted not staying. You'll understand more later. Speaking of later, it's late, and I'll have to finish later.
Posted by Andrea at 7:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It is so close I can almost taste it. New Kids here I come............ I bought a new top for the event. I stayed up till 3am reading about other peoples experience at a meet and greet. I am ready. Oh Yeah, Vote Yes on 8!
Posted by Andrea at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Not me...but
So I am so busy I feel like I am sinking in quicksand. How do I get myself in these spots? So I have a treat for you. I have no time to blog right now, but check out this blog.. ..I think you will feel entertained!
Posted by Andrea at 6:45 PM 0 comments