Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Begining

So last night before bed, I noticed something ironic in my home, and I decided it is TIME. I have been reading my sister in law, Amber's blog for months now. I can no longer handle it anymore. I have guilt because I think I should be keeping a better journal for my family, and I am always depressed after reading her blog because I feel like I have done nothing in my week, month, year. So, NO MORE! I am now a blogger. Watch out World! Here I Come. So are you wondering what was that ironic moment. Well, I will attach a picture and you tell me, can you tell? Maybe not, but I felt this picture described a lot of my feelings. Think deep, and not so deep. I hope that I can look back at this blog someday, and see that I did do something in my life, not just laundry.


Brent and AmberLee's Family said...

ho ho ho. I am laughing and laughing. This is so great. You know, I should add "laundry" as one of my tags too--it comes up a lot in my blogging. In fact, if I turn my head 90 degrees right now I can see a pile of laundry in my home double the size of this one.

Okay. I am really excited that you have a blog. Hooray!

Dad/Mom Fawson said...

This is nothing. When I was a kid we had a pool table in the basement where the four boys were sent to live. The pool table was in great shape because it had a piece of plywood over it that was supposed to be for ping pong. Instead it made for a handy chest of drawers except it wasn't a chest and there were no drawers. Nevertheless it was a place to put all the clothes from the drier that was nearby. When ever you needed any clean clothes you just sorted through the pile on the pool table. Sometimes you found things that you had grown out of years previous. So my mom holds the world's record for the largest laundry hill.

Love Dad