My garden is no more. Raccoon's have eaten all my lettuce, carrots, and evidently I was best at growing whatever bug it is they like to eat. On-line it says they like grubs. See the picture above...that is a grub. Maybe I can harvest a grub garden and ship them over seas to the "Survivor" producers. Then my grubs would be famous. I could tell all my friends that instead of entering my award winning zucchini in this years fair, and winning a first place ribbon, I could have some super hot guy, or a mostly naked woman, and don't forget the token Mormon, eating MY Grubs!
Anyway, I am sick to death about the work and money put into this project, all just to feed some stinkin' raccoons. Currently my "garden" looks like someone took a rototiller to it. I used to have 17 cute little mounds. Well that's life.
Oh. I'm so so very sorry for you. I wish I could have had the racoons destroy my garden in place of yours. Of course, that is only two sad tomatoe plants, soooo... Is that your hand holding the grubs?!?!?
Heck no that's not my hand....google images.
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