Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Andrea Hancock's personal blog (currently full of New Kids on the Block news!)

Just in case you are clicking over from Amber Fawson's blog to mine, I want you to know that I have a lot more to do than just dream about New Kids on the Block. I'll have you know, I vacuumed the entire house, made the beds, unloaded the dishwasher, washed two loads of laundry, watered my garden, dressed the kids, made dinner before noon, read the newspaper, sorted the mail, and this was all before the two older kids come home from school. Oh, it gets much more exciting as the day rolls on! So there! I know Amber meant well, but seriously, look at all the other things I fill my day with. So maybe my link on her page should be. Andrea's Blog--check out her most exciting adventures--you never know when she might put a dark sock in with the whites!!!!


Brent and AmberLee's Family said...

Wow, now I can fantasize about meeting Joey AND about getting the dishes, vacuuming, beds, and laundry done before 2 p.m. Thanks for this window into your charmed life.