Thursday, December 18, 2008
Don't you wonder what would happen if we treated our Book of Mormon like we treat our Cell Phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we spent an hour or more using it every day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the "text"?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
Oh, and a few more things-Unlike our cell phones, one Plan fits all.
Unlimited usage.
No roaming charges.
You always have reception.
No weak signals AND we don't ever have to worry about our Book of Mormon being disconnected, because our Savior already paid the bill!
-Author Unknown
Posted by Andrea at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: book of mormon, Cell phones
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I Finally meet the New Kids On The Block
I shouldn't of been surprised, I put the glow sticks in my hair to get attention--just not from the other zillion fans there. Our tickets were not the best, but not the worst. All I kept thinking about was the next night. We would be up front and center, and we will have met them. All I could think was, please don't let the world end tonight, cause I would be so bummed.
The concert itself was wonderful. We three screamed the entire time. I got goose bumps when they came out for the first time. And, oh yeah, Lady Ga Ga was there and so was Natasha Beningfield. But who cares the 5 guys were so great. After the concert we went the buses. We were going to wait it out. But it was cold and Jen is pregnant so we spent too long looking for our car. That special free spot was hard to find after 2 hours of bliss, and we hadn't drank a thing.
We read blogs later and two of the guys came out and signed autographs. We regretted not staying. You'll understand more later. Speaking of later, it's late, and I'll have to finish later.
Posted by Andrea at 7:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It is so close I can almost taste it. New Kids here I come............ I bought a new top for the event. I stayed up till 3am reading about other peoples experience at a meet and greet. I am ready. Oh Yeah, Vote Yes on 8!
Posted by Andrea at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Not me...but
So I am so busy I feel like I am sinking in quicksand. How do I get myself in these spots? So I have a treat for you. I have no time to blog right now, but check out this blog.. ..I think you will feel entertained!
Posted by Andrea at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
So Sorry!
I am super duper busy right now in my life. I just went to girls camp last week, I am trying to get all of CA to vote Yes on Prop 8, I am hosting a birthday party for two of my kids tomorrow, I also have a Christmas tree to stress over, three kids starting school in less than a week, potty training a todd-ler, and tons of other stuff that I am just going nuts. So I had such a great plan to stay organized and sane, but it has not worked. I am back in the crazy frenzy. Soon...I hope I can write and fill you all in on our super fast summer.
Posted by Andrea at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Two is always better than one...unless it is the first number for your weight?
Yeah, I get to go to the NKOTB concert on Oct 9th in Sacramento. So two full nights of NKOTB fun. I'm going to get my 1990 Tour jacket on; with all my pins, get a spiral perm, peg my pants and go party at Arco Arena in Sac, and HP Pavilion in San Jose. Watch out Boys.....I'm on my way!
Posted by Andrea at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Monday, July 7, 2008
2009 YM/YW Theme
The Mutual theme for 2009 is “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in
conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). Additional
resource material regarding this theme will be available in the Liahona and New
Era magazines at the beginning of 2009.
Posted by Andrea at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Young Men, Young Women
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love Edward. If anyone had told me I would of read a book about vampires I would of laughed in their face. I am not a big reader. I know why, I get OCD about a book and the rest of my very busy life goes to crap. But being on vacation, I thought I had the time. I read this book in two days, amid going to the water slides and other fun events. Everyone who needs to escape from their regular life into a life that reminds you of the love you have for someone, should read this book.
View all my reviews.
Posted by Andrea at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Money Saving Tip #1
Posted by Andrea at 4:51 PM 3 comments
Labels: magazines, money saving tips
Reward $100,000

My garden is no more. Raccoon's have eaten all my lettuce, carrots, and evidently I was best at growing whatever bug it is they like to eat. On-line it says they like grubs. See the picture above...that is a grub. Maybe I can harvest a grub garden and ship them over seas to the "Survivor" producers. Then my grubs would be famous. I could tell all my friends that instead of entering my award winning zucchini in this years fair, and winning a first place ribbon, I could have some super hot guy, or a mostly naked woman, and don't forget the token Mormon, eating MY Grubs!
Posted by Andrea at 10:31 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Holiday Over-load
So this year I can tell you that I just bought Todd's Halloween Costume on clearance from the Disney store for $9.99. He is going to be Mr. Incredible or Dash (same costume) depending on his mood that day. Samantha has decided to be the tooth fairy, and Ella a fancy Leopard. I have Ella's costume and 12 others just like it, to sell on ebay, but that is another Post entirely. What? You say Halloween is five months away. Well, folks it will be here before you know it. I'll have you know I just planted my pumpkins, so that checks another thing off of the Halloween List! Okay so I feel that my plans for Halloween are going well. I didn't forget about Zachary, he is always a wild card.
Christmas, well, I put the Christmas Cards in the Halloween decorations box this year, so I can start addressing them in October. I have also already decided what the neighbor and friend gifts will be and have purchased most of those. In October I will freeze Pumpkin Rolls, this is what I have decided will be the "party food" that I will bring to all events we are invited to. Not the same roll silly, I will make more than one!
So as you can see I have put some thought into this. I really hate getting all stressed out and feeling like I am not having fun at the Christmas caroling events or the ward party, because I wanted to bring the best dessert I had, and I spent all day searching for ingredients and the recipe. Then only to not have the recipe turn out, or I didn't have time to put the finishing touches on what I had made, and being disappointed. This is the point when I should tell myself--LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS. But I don't and so ---I go on. Did I mention, I already have the ornament for the annual ornament exchange party, and I am working on making my handmade labels now.
Well, I don't tell you all of this to show off. Really, I am probably just making you think I am crazier then you first suspected. But I have had a new revelation and I will have to modify my life once more. I have now decided that the most stressful times of the year are Halloween, Christmas, and END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!
Ugh, I am dieing here. I almost flipped my lid last night, when Samantha had to write a final paper in English-that she needed a ton of help with, Zachary needed a keyboard picked up for the end of the year talent show, and I needed to email preschool pictures for the preschool graduation party tomorrow. This was all after Samantha informed me I was to bring dessert for six to the Sports Awards night --in three hours (which I went to alone with four kids-because Rick had to work late), make desserts, individually wrapped, for the band bake sale the next day, and I also had to find a babysitter for my little ones so I could go to the 5th grade Bar-B-Q tomorrow. Thank goodness Todd is only 2. This just describes two days of the craziest week since Christmas. Tuesday night I fed the missionaries, got Samantha to Young Women's, went to the City Council Meeting to speak up against the Adult Bookstore going in off the freeway in town, picked up Samantha, and then went Visiting Teaching. All of this between 6-9pm. Okay, I am tired just from reading this. No wonder my colon hurts.
If I had $1 for every baked good I was to provide for the activities in the last two weeks, I could pay my therapy bill for the month. Once again you are saying to yourself--Woman-Why did you volunteer for so much. Well this is the problem with having four children. If you were to just look at what I have done for one child, it isn't that much. But add them all together and you've gone mad. I'll have you know I did buy a roll of cookie dough to make the cookies for tomorrows preschool graduation. I sent rice crispy treats to the bake sale, and I said NO to the desert for 6 at Awards Night. So I do have my limits. So Long story short.......I am going to start planning for the end of school 2009---NOW.
You laugh and mock....but in a few years I will have this down to a science. Whatever, I know that I will never get it right, however, just admitting that I know the storm is coming ads some sort of comfort to me. I guess so I can hold on tight for the ride!
Posted by Andrea at 10:05 PM 3 comments
Everyone remembers the MORMONADS right? Well here are some of my favorites
Posted by Andrea at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I thought I'd keep track
So, I'm telling you. You need to enter your kids in every coloring contest you can find. Zachary and Samantha won a collage contest last night. They each got $20 gift cards, and then Samantha won from a drawing at the awards presentation a night at a Marriott Hotel. We will have to save it for Prom night--you should of gasped with disbelief when you read that. This contest was for Fair Housing month....of course, what else would we be celebrating this month???? These contests are great. The kids win almost every time. I would love to say it is because of their fabulous talent. However I'm thinking it is more because the odds are in their favor. Less entries, more prizes!
Posted by Andrea at 8:56 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Andrea Hancock's personal blog (currently full of New Kids on the Block news!)
Just in case you are clicking over from Amber Fawson's blog to mine, I want you to know that I have a lot more to do than just dream about New Kids on the Block. I'll have you know, I vacuumed the entire house, made the beds, unloaded the dishwasher, washed two loads of laundry, watered my garden, dressed the kids, made dinner before noon, read the newspaper, sorted the mail, and this was all before the two older kids come home from school. Oh, it gets much more exciting as the day rolls on! So there! I know Amber meant well, but seriously, look at all the other things I fill my day with. So maybe my link on her page should be. Andrea's Blog--check out her most exciting adventures--you never know when she might put a dark sock in with the whites!!!!
Posted by Andrea at 2:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Amber
Friday, May 16, 2008
Oct 10th--guess where I will be--San Jose--to see NKOTB!
Posted by Andrea at 11:03 AM 3 comments
Labels: NKOTB
I hope you all caught NKOTB on the Today show this morn. It was just what I needed. It helps me feel young again. They were okay...the regular sound guy must of been on vacation. Plus it was outside in NYC and raining. That's what they get for going there and not coming to sunny CA. Loyal I will be! And thank you to Holly for getting me out of bed this morning to view it. I had remembered last night, but I stayed up late sewing on Girl Scout patches, and moping the floor (or watching my Scuba...whatever you want to call it). Can you see why I like feeling young?
Posted by Andrea at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Faith is like a Little Seed
Posted by Andrea at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: faith, FHE, Garden, personal progress
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Off they go!
So the in-laws are going to Monterey Mexico East- Church Educational System Mission. Good Luck to them.
Posted by Andrea at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mission
Wanna hear the NKOTB new song? Click HERE! I think it is a great sound. I hear Jordan! Oh boy.....isn't this exciting!
Posted by Andrea at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: NKOTB
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Posted by Andrea at 11:05 PM 3 comments
Labels: Mothers Day, NKOTB
Dwight:First rule in roadside beet sales,put the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go “wow, I need this beet"
"Those are the Money Beets!"
So stay tuned to see the ever growing garden. Well, I hope it is growing. Nothing green has come up yet. Just a lot of waterin' and the fragrant smell of fresh compost.
I feel like I'm pregnant..well not quite, but I am excited for 15-20 days (not weeks). That is when these little guys should be popping up. It is therapeutic to water each day. I like to think about when I will get the wicker basket (from a thrift store, of course) lined with a linen napkin (not from a thrift store, of course), put my Zucchini Squash and some Zucchini bread in and deliver this care package to the neighbors. Maybe then they will talk to me? Right now, I am just the crazy Mormon Lady, who has those missionaries over and gave birth to a truck load of kids--they are probably just holding their breath to see if I will have four more? Well, they will come with their tongues a waggin' when they want more of my bread. Anyone have a recipe I can use?
You may be wondering why beets, well I am following the Farmers Almanac--of course, and the moon cycle is very important. You all knew that though. So a friend of mine, Danny, is helping me with this "great idea" of mine. And--I watch Martha Stewart every day. So I figure it is just a matter of time before I am making Pesto, Salad, and Corn on the Cob, all from the pickin's that day. I will plant more this Thursday. And, if Dwight can do it, why can't I?
Posted by Andrea at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Okay, I need help. I have a REAL bug in my computer. I reprimanded the kids for touching the screen, etc. Until the next day when he moved. I can kinda see his little antenna. What do I do?
Posted by Andrea at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Modest LDS Prom 2008
Last Night, Eileen, LaRinda, Holly and I went to Santa Rosa for Prom Night. Four Stakes in Northern CA, gather their Priests and Laurels for a Modest LDS Prom Night. See the slide show for pictures. The theme was Enchanted Neverland. It was decorated great, right down to the live fish in the bathrooms. We then all went to Occidental, CA and had a girls night at a great Italian Restaurant, the Union Hotel. It was fun. I was quite green --car illness-- by the time we got there, but the food hit the spot. Many Thanks to Holly for providing me with Excedrin--the headache medicine, and one more carrot cake down for Eileen. So aside from my lousy lack of travel skills, we made it to this quaint town. I thought for sure Rick would be so impressed that I made it to such an out of the way place. He hadn't even heard of it, How could he of not know about it, I mean there are 1200 people there.
After eating we headed back to the Prom. Saw the kids dancing and thought it would great fun for our youth in the Vacaville Stake. We shall see. For now, this year the Mormon Prom will be held in Vacaville at the Chrysler Dealership on May 9th! Buy your tickets now.
Posted by Andrea at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prom, Young Men, Young Women
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I love my Samantha. She is wonderful. But the Hula Dancer. Well, that is what happens when 1) You leave things logged in, with no need for a password. 2) Your child knows how to do more on the computer than you do. So I love her, BUT, my cell phone picture, radio stations, and now computer have all been taken over.
Posted by Andrea at 12:43 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Today we got a call from the local Garbage company. Samantha won another coloring contest. This photo is the last years contest for loop the lagoon.
Posted by Andrea at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Not on the Test
In honor of STAR testing that is starting next week!
Posted by Andrea at 1:13 PM 1 comments